Chalk Time!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
A Joy Filled Day
Wow, I just re-read my post from yesterday and just about made myself depressed. Thank you to each of you who read it and left such wonderful, encouraging words. I am so blessed!

We had such a great time together!
This is what I took out of the cab. This was just the tip of the mud outside AND inside! Where in the world does he go in this thing?

At the end of the post I did say that it was going to be a joy filled day and it was. How do you have a joy filled day when your heart is broken in a million pieces, well you become a blessing to others. Here is what I was able to do.
First, I spent time in God's word, reinforcing His promises in my heart. Then I took a nice long walk followed by time blogging and preparing for the day.
Second, I spent three hours with my youngest son. We went to the mall, lunch and other necessary shopping which he loves. He looks at me and asks: 'Mom, can I have this shampoo?', sure (even though it is way too expensive for someone who goes through a bottle a week), 'can I have this soap for my bathroom?', no problem, his little eyes are so excited. Maple flavored Jimmy Dean sausage, of course. Sleepy time tea, sure. Jelly belly's, absolutely. Individual cans of soup, yes. I did draw the line at strawberry marshmellows! It was hard to say no to this sweet face.
We had such a great time together!
Third, since I have been borrowing my oldest son's truck (my car is at the car-doc) I thought it would be over the top nice if I cleaned it. What a job!
This is what I took out of the cab. This was just the tip of the mud outside AND inside! Where in the world does he go in this thing?
I can't believe I'm driving this big stick shift truck. I'm so grateful to a son who is so willing to bless us. Now it is clean and I won't get my clothes so dirty before I even get to work.
Fourth, I got to spend time with these sweet cheesy faces.
And then just enjoy watching this precious baby sleep.
No matter what my life brings, there are always ways to step on the enemies' head and find joy.
Thank you again, and make it a joy filled day.
Thank you again, and make it a joy filled day.
Blessings, Cindy
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Trust...through betrayal!
God is doing a work in my heart, therefore this may be a rough post for me.
In whom do I place my trust?
It has become increasingly evident in my life that I have placed too much trust, hope, faith, and expectation in people. Disappointment follows when my trust is in the wrong place. My heart has been broken time and time again in the past two years as I have trusted my friends, family, church family, co-workers, children and husband to meet my expectations. I trust that they will make the right choices, hold a confidence and be faithful to what 'I' believe is right.
Guess what? It hasn't happened the way I thought it should. Friends have betrayed a confidence, children have made choices I don't agree with, church family have lied and gossiped, there has even been a betrayal of trust in a 27 year marriage.
Who am I to set the standard that others should live by? Where do I go from here?
I am learning to 'Consider it all Joy'. None of the hurtful events of the passed two years make me happy but it brings me joy because as I journey through the pain I am learning more about who God is. And, I am learning 'where' to place my trust.
In whom do I place my trust?
It has become increasingly evident in my life that I have placed too much trust, hope, faith, and expectation in people. Disappointment follows when my trust is in the wrong place. My heart has been broken time and time again in the past two years as I have trusted my friends, family, church family, co-workers, children and husband to meet my expectations. I trust that they will make the right choices, hold a confidence and be faithful to what 'I' believe is right.
Guess what? It hasn't happened the way I thought it should. Friends have betrayed a confidence, children have made choices I don't agree with, church family have lied and gossiped, there has even been a betrayal of trust in a 27 year marriage.
Who am I to set the standard that others should live by? Where do I go from here?
I am learning to 'Consider it all Joy'. None of the hurtful events of the passed two years make me happy but it brings me joy because as I journey through the pain I am learning more about who God is. And, I am learning 'where' to place my trust.
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7-8
I, and each of the people in my life who have 'hurt or betrayed' me are human. We were all made in the image of God yet, we are not God, we are not perfect. We are learning to die to self and be a reflection of who God is.
"A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret." Proverbs 11:13
I would love to believe that there are trustworthy people in this world. I would love to believe that I am truly trustworthy at all times. I fail the test. We all fail.
My precious Lord has been teaching me, especially over the past two days, that my trust must be in Him and Him alone. He is my creator. He knows my heart. He knows my needs.
I will continue to love, to be vulnerable, to share my heart with others and even my failings. But I think I have come to realize that my untimate trust must be in God for when disappointment comes He will here.
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze," says the Lord". Isaiah 43:2
Today is a new day filled with hope. I stand on God's word, on His promises to be with me no matter what I may face. It will be a joy filled day!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Prayer Request!
A quick prayer request.
My brother-in-love just lost his job.
He was with the same company for 22 years and in Nov of last year got laid off when all the work went to China. Since then he has had 3 other jobs and every one has sent their work to China or Singapore. Please pray for Mike and my sister Pam.
They are trying to see God in all of this.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Well, it is official! The Summer Olympics are over. I must admit I have spent entirely too much time in front of the television these past 17 days. I just love watching and hearing all of the stories behind the athletes. Routing for the underdog. Seeing an athlete win a medal for his/her country for the first time. Agonizing when they do their best and find it isn't quite good enough yet seeing the joy in their eyes as they finishing the race. It is inspirational!

I have been on a quest in my own life to achieve some goals. As I approach my 50th birthday I have challenged myself to become adventurous. To go places I have never been. To do things I have only dreamed about. To look at each new day as an opportunity to do something new.
Some things are very small others are giant leaps of faith.
This past weekend as I was reading Genny's blog,I read that she did a cannon-ball and her kids loved it. I realized that I have never done a cannon-ball in our pool. I don't like to get my hair wet or my face and I don't like to be splashed. But I wrote on her comments that my granddaughter was coming that afternoon and I was going to do a cannon-ball.
Kori arrived. We went straight to the pool. I went to the edge ~ chicken ~ I had to do it! Yes, no, yes, no, YES ~ I did it~! Kori was so excited. She was clapping and dancing. I did it again and again and the fourth time I even went off the back edge which is 1 1/2 feet higher than the front. I did it! I got my hair wet and face!! I loved it!
The greatest part was that Kori had just learned to swim and didn't want to jump off the side of the pool. All of a sudden she wanted to jump. First to me with two hands, then I caught her with one hand and then she went under water. What a wonderful time we had in the pool Saturday.
Now, when my boys came home and I told them, well, lets just say their first words were: "Yea, right mom, you really got your hair wet. I don't think so".
Thanks to my hubby, I was able to show them this:
The suprised look on their faces was a treasure I will cherish.
I'm learning from my precious Lord to not take life so seriously. To enjoy the little things and to let my hair get wet.
I'll let you know some of the other adventurous things I attempt in the next '60' days before I turn 50.
Oh, and don't worry, I have a list for things 'after' 50.
Blessings, Cindy
Thursday, August 21, 2008
But God...Had Another Plan!
The social worker said:
"Don't get your hopes up ~ he probably won't live"
But God...Had Another Plan!
The doctors all said:
"He's going to die within a year"
But God...Had Another Plan!
The social worker said:
"The courts want him back with his birth family"
But God...Had Another Plan!
Another doctor said:
"He's deaf, blind and paralyzed on his left side"
"He's deaf, blind and paralyzed on his left side"
But God...Had Another Plan!
Many people said:
"Let's place him in an institution until he dies"
But God...Had Another Plan!
The therapist said:
"He will never walk"
"He will never walk"
But God...Had Another Plan!
A family member said:
"I'll never love him"
But God...Had Another Plan!
I could go on and on about what 'people' said...
But God...Had Another Plan!
Here is Matthew today ~ At 23
This is his first English Style riding lesson!
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
I am so thankful that God gave us hope and the future nobody thought existed.
Don't ever give up on a dream!
Because God...Has Another Plan!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Welcome to my new blog.
I have been waiting to post until my design is ready but I just can't wait any longer. I miss writing. My new design will be up in about a week ~ as soon as the creator gets my money! Hehe!
I have been praying alot in the past several weeks about this 'move' to combine my blogs with one purpose.
It is my goal to share the joy I find in every day life.
Whether it is our granddaughters first day of dance or having to walk home a couple miles after the car breaks down (it is summer in Phoenix and 110 out), I am compeled to find joy.
For the past two years God has worked James 1:2-4 in my life and I truly have learned to 'Consider It All Joy'.
So, with that, I set out on a new venture.
I have probably lost most of my readership ~ but no problem ~ God will restore what has been lost.
Again, welcome to my new blog and I look forward to spending time getting to know you as I share the joys of life.
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