Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Thanks and a handful of updates!

Thank you so much for your sweet and encouraging comments left over the past couple of days. I am always so thankful that the Lord has given me such great blog friends.

A few updates:

1) I do not have Valley Fever which is a good thing. If you live in the southwest you know what Valley Fever is and there is no cure. Many of the syptoms my body has been exhibiting over the past 6 weeks or so were concerning but test results are in. Thank you Lord.

2) My blood pressure has stabilized without medication. Though it is still a bit high it is much better than it was over the weekend.

3) It seems that I have a Eustation Tube Dysfunction. Just a silly little ear tube swelling and so many yucky symptoms. I am pleased to say that with only 2 days of medication, I actually feel almost human again.

How did I get this annoying ETD? Well, check it out here! As I approach my 50th birthday (45 days from now) I have been reminding myself that age is really about attitude and I have challenged myself to be more spontaneous with life and have a little fun. One of the things I did was 'cannon-balls' and I got swimmers ear. Oh my goodness! It seems by body thinks it's going to be 50 while my mind still wants to be 25. I choose 25!

Tonight I end with a Psalm I love.

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100

Father, tonight I thank You for the ability to praise You in the midst of life. I am thankful that I am able to see my circumtances and know that You are doing a good work. I thank you that I am one of your little sheep and you take such good care of me. When my heart aches, You are here to hold it. When the storms of life attempt to wash me away, You are my refuge. Tonight I find rest in how You have touched my body and given me strength. And, how You have touched my heart and given me joy. Thank You for my bloggy friends who have encouraged me. One of these days the dam I have built around the lake of tears within me will burst and You will be here to catch everyone of them. You are so precious to me. Thank You for the life You have blessed me with.
Considering It All Joy,


  1. Cindy, so glad to read this update. The song of joy written through your circumstances is being played. Praying God will strengthen the melody and that you will rest in Him - knowing He accepts you and loves you - through laughter and tears.
    Rejoicing in His goodness to you,

  2. Glad you're doing better! ETD really hurts sometimes.

  3. Hi Cindy!

    Glad your outlook is good ~ and tears can be quite healthy!!!

  4. Praising God and celebrating with you. Knowing your heart is in the right place...focused on what God has for you!

  5. Thanks for visiting with me...
    Now that I am back from a much needed vacation - I plan to "catch- up" on what all is going on in your life. It is good that God can use our "bloggy" friends to encourage us. We are blessed.

    Blessings to you

  6. Cindy, Thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comments.

    I turned 50 last October. A year or so ago I was wanting to show my kids that I was still spunky and I too did a cannonball. An hour or so afterwards I had a migraine.....

    Oh well, 50 is almost over for me....in a few weeks I'll hit 51.



Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy