Thursday, November 20, 2008

Joy In Raising Difference!

Today I am excited as well as honored to be the
guest writer at Melody's blog SlurpingLife.
Please join me over here as I share about
raising boys with special differences.
Consider It All Joy,


  1. Hi ! I just popped over after reading your post at Slurping Life. Amazing post ! Loved it ! I like the look of your blog too ... I'll be back to visit again !

  2. Cindy,

    This is wonderful post! And so true of ANY child in a family as they all have different needs.

    I am constantly looking at my boys for their "uniqueness" to show them that they are a creation of God to be used for HIS work.

    blessings to you!

  3. I love your post today. It spoke VOLUMES to me as I have two boys who are oh so different even though they have the same parents. Your words of encouragement are sure to be a help to us now and then later when they enter their teenage years! Thank you for sharing today!

  4. Hi Cindy. Just wondering if you received my email I sent off to you sometime last week. Have not been having much luck with emails arriving at their set destination, so thought I'd check in with you 'bout it... Hope you're having a lovely day - just off to check on your 'visiting post'...

  5. That was a wonderful post to read - thank you!

  6. I'll go over and check it out! I hope you have a nice Friday!
    Angie xoxo

  7. Cindy,

    Even though this Bible Study is over (Behind Those Eyes), I do not want to lose "blogger or email" touch with you and your journey to GOD'S healing power.

    You have given me encouragement today. I finally had a chance to read your post about yourself and the pain you have survived.

    Cindy, we are survivors for a reason. You and I and others like Beth Moore, who have suffered abuse as children and innocent young girls, we survived those horrors for a reason.

    You opened my eyes this morning - Satan wants us to just "get rid of ourselves..put an end to us" in any way he can. By death, by fear of opening our mouths to other women who are living with this bondage and feel no way out...he wants us silenced.

    Our Father in heaven knows that sacredness was torn from us and that it scarred us on believing what a true Father could be. Yet, HE is pouring that healing balm over us.

    Just like a survivor of any tragedy, even something as horrible as a Holocaust..if you are stronger and you tell others so that they can have a handful of your courage to look to GOD for healing.

    You tell so that victims will come forward and speak out and be healed by HIM as well.

    I am so proud of you, Cindy and GOD'S using you in immeasurable ways. You are a beautiful daughter of the Most High and we will understand one day all.

    Love to you..a fellow sister who is a survivor because of the truth and true Father...the great I AM,

  8. Thank you Cindy for these very important reminders. For each of by boys is a unique and most awesome gift from God to be celebrated and enjoyed.

  9. Cindy...what a great post. You wrote that so well. Connie

  10. Loved your post! What a great reminder to me as I navigate through life with a child who is "different". Thanks so much!


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy