double mastectomy today 1/21~~~
Please pray for her,
her medical team and her family!
Update on Cindy
Surgery went well
Doctors believe they accomplished what they needed to
If all goes well she will go home on Thursday
Thank you for praying
Please continue to lift her up!
Sometimes you just Have to record a new message!

Tonight my thoughts are scattered!
It seems the past couple of weeks have been tornadic (my word)
in my brain and thoughts have run the gamut
from fear and trembling to peace and gratefulness.
When faced with crisis your true inner self is reflected.
I feel peace and I am grateful for all God has done.
I believe and in fact know that God is in control.
He has a plan and ultimately that plan will be fulfilled.
Somehow though, in the midst of peace,
the enemy continues to try and play those
old recorded messages he has told me in the past.
The ones that speak lies and bring fear and insecurity.
Today those old messages almost got the better of me.
Today I had thoughts unbecoming to a mature Godly woman.
Today the enemy almost won.
But today - God...
I love the conversation between Jennifer and Patsy Clairmont
on pages 40 and 41.
"Jennifer: When did you figure that out - that you were being overly critical and telling yourself untruths? And how and when did you make a disciplined choice to stop?"
"Patsy: Well, I had so many people saying things to me that were in conflict with what I was saying to myself. One of us had to be wrong! So when I had more and more people saying the same positives to me, and my words were all negative, I had to stop and say, Everyone can't be wrong. Do I trust their judgment? And do I think they are wise? Am I willing to receive what they are saying is truth? If I am, then I have to change the messages in me."
That is when I realized that I needed to record a new message in my thoughts.
Tonight I take captive my thoughts and bring the into the obedience of Christ.
I read, hear and believe HIS WORD!
My God shall supply all my needs according to HIS riches in Christ Jesus!!!
Philippians 4:19
I am Considering Life with all it's twists, turns and thoughts...