I wasn't sure if I would be able to post at all this week about
Jennifer Rothschild's book due to 'ISSUES' but I just didn't want to miss a week of posting and BOASTING in God's Greatness!!!!!!!
I must admit that I did not get chapter 5 read this week. I have been nearly debilitated with migraines for the past several weeks. I believe it is due to stress and it has taken everything out of me just to go to work each day. I come home between 4:30 and 6:00 PM just to get in my jammies and sleep until 6:00 AM the next day.
Monday night was so bad that I told God I was just done and that I couldn't take the pressure anymore BUT that I trusted HIM to work things out.
Tuesday morning we received excellent news regarding some money that was owed to us for over a year. Guess what God did - It is now in my checking account!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday afternoon my husband got word that his medical insurance is good through April!!!!!!!
God is so faithful!
Today is the first day I have not had a migraine and I have not taken one pill all day!!!!!!!!!!!!
Though I have not read the chapter I just needed to BOAST about God's faithness and goodness.
I still do not know how this season of our lives will play out but I do know that confession of HIS promises is how we make it through.
No matter what we face in life - when we keep our eyes focused on God - He will see us through. Some days are tougher to trust than others - but all days are to be considered with joy because of His plan.
I will prayerfully be back on track by next week and looking forward to visiting your blogs and again rejoicing with you as God works in each of your lives.
Considering Even The Most Difficult Of Days With JOY!!