Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday's Question!

Here it is, short and sweet:


Yes, that is the question.

What does it mean?

It is summer.

We are all so very busy making sure our children and families enjoy every moment of their summer break. We certainly don't want to hear our children say they are BORED!

We pack our cars and take short trips, go to the park, swimming pool, beach, McDonald's play area, amusement park, library, any place to keep our kids busy, busy, busy.

Then if that weren't enough, we go on vacation - nope - those things above weren't vacation - they were just things to do. Now we are off for a REAL vacation! Seven to fourteen glorious, event filled days. Running here and there across the country so our children can tell everybody 'What they did on summer vacation' when they get back to school.

And, just in case those little darlings do get bored, we can always invite every child in the neighborhood over for a swim party, BBQ and sleep over.

By the end of summer, mom is exhausted, the finances are depleted, and the kids are still bored.


Have you taken time to be quiet before the Lord this summer?

Have you stopped to smell the roses, daffodils, or gardenias this summer?

Have you stopped to thank God for the blessings of life?

Have you stopped to just look into the eyes of your loved one and tell them face to face how blessed you are and how much you love them?

Have you stopped to just read a book, sit at the dinner table, or play in bed with the kids in the morning?

My list could go on and on but the question is simple:


Considering Stopping from time to time Joyful,


  1. This is great stuff Cindy. Your questions are very significant. The human race tends to be on a quest to see, do and achieve as much as we can in a short time. And, as you've pointed out, we miss out on the really important things - time with God, nature, family, friends, ourselves and so on. My daughter has started hopping into bed with me in the mornings, even falling asleep again, and I have to admit that I love it. It's the little moments of joy that make us appreciate the gift that God has given us. Thanks for the reminder! :)

  2. Cindy,
    I've been feeling this way lately and trying to make time in the morning to pray and read my Bible. It's really helped!

  3. Time to stop! And rest at His feet. Delighted to meet you. I hope you don't mind newbies visiting a bit. I popped over from a friend. So glad I did. Thanks for splashing me today with God's goodness and His gentle reminder to stop, just stop and soak in all He has for me today.

    Hugs from this missionary mommy,
    Sarah Dawn

    PS and originally from Phoenix, now living in the rainforest

  4. With have finally stopped. After a 7 hours drive to the beach. LOL We arrived Saturday at noon. Since then I have only left the condo property twice. Once to eat out and a trip to the store. I am loving it. My father in law has led us in devotion every morning and it has been a real blessing. There is something awesome about the reading of God's word and hearing the crashes of waves on the shore. Only one of God's awesome creations.

  5. I've enjoyed teaching my children to stop. Our mornings are slow most weekdays and that has been a challenge for them. However, it has been the only way I've been able to protect my time with the Lord everyday in the midst of the possible "I'm bored" statement. They have found imagination fun alone with toys or in a good book. I'm so thankful. We are doing this summer much better than last. Thanks for the encouragement.

  6. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!!
    I just read your "changed" post of mine, and my husband was sitting right here and I read it to him as I went and BOTH of our jaws are dropping!
    My goodness!
    How did you find me?
    How can two totally different families have so much in common?
    How can we be so alike?
    Again - you are awesome . . . and I can't wait to have time to sit back and read your blog over for however long you've had it!!!
    Thank you!
    BIG HUGS! Karen
    (but I gotta say - Beach? NO WAY! MOUNTAINS) LOL

  7. A post after my own heart! I love to stop, look and listen. For slow turtle type people like me, the question is often "will you get up and go?" I do more thinking than doing.

    But then again, God's spoke to my heart about just BEING STILL and sitting in silence with Him.

    Great question. I'm sure that will be echoing in my mind for awhile.

    Thank you..



  8. Just stopping by to say that in all of the busyness I haven't been here in a while and I've missed our visits. I'm looking forward to getting back on track. Thanks for the reminder to S.T.O.P!
    Angie xoxo


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy