Thursday, November 12, 2009


Hi All - Or one -

Since having to get a new domain name I have lost virtually all my readers but I still wanted to stop by and say hi.

I am leaving on a jet plane in just a little while. I will be back on Sunday PM.

I have been thinking about and praying about this blog and what to do about it.

I have made my decision and will share that next week.

In the meantime...have a beautiful weekend wherever you live...

I will be in Balitmore!

Blessings, Cindy


  1. Hi Cindy. I fear that your decision for this blog will be a sad one for us readers but trust your discernment and God will guide your endeavors whatever they are.

  2. I've enjoyed your blog too but when you changed the domain I did lose track of it. I happned to think about you today and went through old posts at my blog to find one where you left a comment so I could click on your name and find your blog again. I'll check back to see what you have decided.

  3. Hi there! I do hope that this post finds you doing well and joyfully anticipating the Christmas season laid before us.

    I hope that you continue to blog--I just returned to the bloggy world after a much needed break!

    Prayers and blessings,


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy