Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Night Five #3

Tonight I am SO Grateful...

1) - I am grateful that I was able to organize a 'Paying It Forward' event tomorrow and it looks like the weather is going to hold. We have dozens of people who will be showing up to help a friend with a list of 'things' that need to be done. I am SO excited!!!

2) - Tonight I am most grateful for Friday nights. Off work a little early, hubby making dinner, quiet night at home with the Olympics and time to read some blogs that I've missed so much.

3) - Grateful for a full-time job and patients to fill the schedule. Not that we want to see sick kids, but it is how God is supplying our needs.

4) - Though I didn't want anymore pet's when our last one left us 5 years ago, I am so thankful for Sammie. He brings so much joy into our home. He is funny and Loves to play. One day I will share a photo with you. He loves to jump on my back every night and take a horsey ride to the cupboard where he gets his bone and then we get to play chase until he gets tired (I mean until I get tired).

5) - Lastly, tonight I am grateful for our sweet church. I just love how God has placed us exactly where He wants us and has been opening doors for ministry. Looking forward to seeing what HE does next.

What are you grateful for tonight?

I pray that you can see through trials and tribulations to find TRIUMPHS!!!!

Considering Thankfulness with Great Joy,

1 comment:

  1. cindy,

    somehow you are off of my blogger reader. when i saw your comment tonight, i realized that i had not been here i awhile. thank you for words that God has something just over the horizon. wish i could share on my blog what is going on...but you are right!!

    so nice to see a list of what you are grateful for!!


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy