Oh how I LOVE Friday nights!
I usually get off work a little early and have time to actually enjoy an evening at home. Mark and I are not much for going out so we just have a quiet dinner and maybe watch a little TV or spend some time on the computer or crafting of some sort.
But also on Friday night I have the pleasure of sharing just a few things I am thankful for and this week I just can't seem to make up my mind because I have so many things to share.
So, I'll just start with these five favorites:
1) If you read yesterday's blog post you will know that I am most definitely thankful for my precious little granddaughter and the ability to spend the whole day with her. I realize that many people do not live near their grandchildren and I am thankful that our kids live so close to us.
2) I am so thankful for this precious little one due mid-September:
Can you see those tiny little feetsies? Just amazing at 12 weeks 5 days.
3) Tonight I am so thankful for the beautiful weather in AZ ~ Doors wide open and birds chirping outside ~ BBQ going ~ Spring starts in just a few hours ~ such a hope filled time of year!!
4) Everybody in our household is healthy today. For that I am TRULY grateful!
5) I am sitting here looking at a picture of our World Vision sponsored child from Uganda knowing that soon he will receive a package from us that will bring a smile to his sweet little face. Wish I could see and hold him some day:)
What are you thankful for today? I'd love to hear from you. It is so encouraging hearing all the wonderful things God is doing everyday.
Tonight my husband and I were listening to the news and I got up and said: "This is why I never watch the news ~ it is all negative and so depressing".
Tonight let's encourage each other with GOD news!!!
Considering Thankfulness with Great JOY,
There is always so much to be thankful for when we look for it. Have a blessed weekend!