Friday, December 31, 2010
Happy Birthday Markie...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Can You Believe Another Anniversary???
In these past few days I have reflected on how gracious God has been to our family during the month of December for most all of our married life.
Little Matthew came to our home when he was just 4 months old. Our social worker gave us very little hope for his future and told us not to get too attached because they didn't expect him to live a year. Prayer Peeps...Prayer!!!!
This past summer we took a very short trip back to Bridgeport, CA and revisited the judges chambers...if only to take a few photos...and remember the two very special days we spent in that room.
I was able to spend most of today with my K-Bug and K-Bel...what fun times we have together. K-bug made cookies again and a mess was had by all:) She made Pop a special heart cookie, she loves him so much and wants him to get better.
This year we don't know if he's going to get better, he's been fairly ill the past few days. We are praying and believing God for miracles.
So, we treasure the moments!!!
Are you treasuring the moments? Are you loving and honoring the relationships you have? Are you making memories for a lifetime? Are you creating a legacy in your children and grandchildren? Are you passing the Gift of Jesus on to them?
Or are you spending so much time/money/effort on 'Christmas' that you have forgotten 'Christ'?
I pray that we All focus on not just the babe in the manger but the Jesus who sacrificed His life so that we All would be given the Gift of Eternal Life with our Creator!!
Merry Christmas,
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Christmas Day 21
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas Day 20
I may go shopping with a friend about 8:30 tonight!
Otherwise, I have been looking at the Christmas tree and smiling!!
I am so boring:)
So happy to report that hubby was actually able to cook dinner tonight!
It was nice to come home to a nice hot meal after working all day.
Now he's super tired and going to rest but we are grateful for every tiny glimpse of improvement!!!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Day 19
One of our church members had these beautiful cookies made for all of the church leadership and ministry helpers...Isn't it an adorable cookie?
We are now home and Kori is here having a fun time with Nana!!!
Yes ~~~ When I take this little angel home in awhile her parents are going to have a 'fun' time attempting to get her calmed down and to sleep :D I think that is what Nana's are for!!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Christmas Day 18
Friday, December 17, 2010
A Mighty Awesome Anniversary

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Christmas Days 13, 14, 15,&16
I don't know where this week has gone!
Sorry ~ No pictures ~ my camera has been MIA ~ I think hiding under some 'stuff' on my desk!!
I cannot say I have done much Christmas preparation during these past few days. Although I did attend our church's Christmas program rehearsal both Monday and Tuesday evenings. Otherwise, I have just worked and come home exhausted as I have been sick for over two weeks. I suppose with everything we have faced these past few months my body is just warn down and my immune system a bit weak. Or...is it because I only eat junk and have gained so much weight that my body doesn't remember how it is supposed to function? Probably a little of both!
I must admit that I did give myself a gift on Tuesday. I took most of the work day OFF and spent 6 hours shopping! Oh, I didn't buy much, mostly just window shopped but it was wonderful to spend time ALONE (with a million other people shopping) and not have any agenda. I went to places I have been longing to visit, touched, smelled and enjoyed the 'stuff' and music!!
I found a store that had these and these ... NO, I didn't buy any but they did bring back some fun memories of childhood visits to the theater.
Since Mark was laid off work nearly two years ago and has been so ill this year, I find that I never have alone time and those few hours really filled a need I had. I think I may just do it again this week.
Beyond that, today was K-bel day...so I spent from 10a - 4p holding, loving and spoiling her. Yes, I let her sleep for awhile. It's just fun to have her for a few hours a week. Then off to run a few quick errands and now home. Wouldn't you know it...as soon as I walked outside to run errands the skies just opened up and showered the earth with rain...ahhhhh.
Matthew has had a few friends over since Sunday and I think they go home tomorrow, so the house has been noisy, I will enjoy some quiet tomorrow night - I HOPE!!!!
Tonight, it's dinner for all and hopefully some rest before work again in the morning:) Have I ever told you how much I Love my Job and how thankful I am to have it????
Being the wonderful SoCal gal that I am.......Tonight on TNF - 49er's vs Chargers - yikees!!! Chargers YES!!!
Thanks for reading my rambling!
Considering These Days With Joy,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Day 12
Considering the Gift of Christ with Great Joy,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Christmas Days 10 & 11
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Christmas Day 7
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas Day 6
You should have seen her face when we told her where we were going and what we were going to do. She has been asking for a Very long time and today both of our dreams came true.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Christmas Day 5
As I sat listening to our youth Pastor deliver a message this morning in his series entitled "X-mas Files" I was moved by the simplicity and depth of all that Christmas holds.
During these days of December I have been focusing on the preparations of the Christmas season. Yet I wonder if I am fully prepared for Christ Himself!
Sharing from a personal story Pastor Nate was used by God to speak loudly to my Spirit. There was a time when Pastor Nate was in the right place at the right time to be used yet he was not fully prepared so he was passed by and I'm sure felt dejected. Eventually he came to a place of repentance and ultimately God's grace was poured out over him so that when the opportunity arose again he was not only in the right place at the right time but he was also Prepared.
Of course, that is a short synopsis of the story yet if we look at the parable of the 10 virgins in the first part of Matthew 25 we see a similar story; a story that speaks directly to not just being in the right place at the right time but being fully prepared.
Being fully prepared to be used in God's kingdom, for His glory, and for His purposes!
I wonder tonight if I am prepared! Prepared to say yes when an opportunity arises to be used in the life of a hurting soul, prepared to speak truth to a broken heart, prepared to feed, clothe and fulfill the needs of someone suffering a set back, prepared to offer hope to the lonely.
It has been an extremely difficult season in our home and I admit I've become a bit depressed and self absorbed through it all. There are days I just dream of having someone minister to me instead of me having to minister to my hubby and family, yet I don't think I could do life any other way. God has bolstered me up under the stresses of this season and has given me the confidence in knowing that He sees my heart, knows my thoughts, feeds my soul and aptly supplies my needs spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Taking the necessary steps to 'get into the spirit of Christmas' is important to me this year but not nearly as important as understanding and living the Christmas Spirit. The Christmas Spirit is the Spirit of Giving, The Gift God Gave, The Gift We have Received, The Gift of Life!!! The Christmas Spirit I wish to maintain throughout my year and my life must be foremost in my heart.
How do we become fully prepared? Relationship!!! It's all about our daily walk with Jesus!! Are we spending time in His Word? Are we taking daily time to just listen to His still small voice? Are we worshiping our Creator? Are we in the midst of Relationship with Him? Do we have our armor on? Is there oil in our lamps?
Tonight I am thankful for the reminders of my need to be prepared!
Though I may still be struggling with the 'tangible' preparations, I am resting in the Lord knowing that my heart is linked with His and we will continue to build our relationship.
Considering The Christmas Spirit With Joy,
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Christmas Day 4
Entrance to our dining room
Employer, Friend, Sister in the Lord, Encourager to my family
A few of our 'cute' staff
MJ, me, and T ~ who has been a huge supporter of the practice
So happy son #1 and his bride could join us since she works for usAnd YES...Mark actually let us have a little fun...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Christmas Day 3
Oh Yes!!! Oreo's and I go Way back. I am always excited when they release their holiday goodies. And of course, hubby Loves Ghirardelli peppermint bark so I just had to pick some of that up for him.
I promise I will take lots of pictures tonight at our party and will post some tomorrow.
As for getting into the Christmas Spirit, well, I suppose you could say that I am leaving my heart open for the Lord to work and enjoying sharing little moments with you.
Considering Christmas Day 3 with Joy,
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Christmas Day 2
Do you remember Chiclet's? I loved them, especially those little tiny minis...yummy! It is such an honor for us to be able to support this little guy. I only pray that these small items will brighten his day but mostly we pray that he and his family come to know Jesus in real and personal ways, and we meet in heaven some day.
Such a blessed day, filled with moments of joy. Thankful to our God who loves so much!
Considering Christmas Day 2 with Great Joy,