Have you ever had a silent prayer buried in the depths of your soul that you just couldn't let go of?
Were there times when you just felt God would Never say Yes?
I have been experiencing one of those prayers for 6 1/2 years.
It may not seem much to some but to me it was a desire of my momma's heart.
Today we visited this place: The Superior Court of Arizona
And today I have the honor of announcing that our Little Miss K-Bug has a new last name!!!
You should have seen her face when we told her where we were going and what we were going to do. She has been asking for a Very long time and today both of our dreams came true.
Congratulations Miss K-Bug and Congratulations to Son #2 and his Sweet Bride as well as K-Bel who was sleeping in the carseat:)
Considering A New Name with Super Great Joy,
Yay! God is so faithful! I love it! Blessings to you!