Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Warrior Project

This weekend I made it my mission to complete cleaning and organizing my office.

Can I just say ... Whew .......

It was quite the job!

Here are just a few of the before shots:

As you can see I have let the office become a dumping ground for anything I didn't know where to put as I went through my room and other parts of the house.

The problem is that I struggle greatly when things are out of order. Since my life has been completely out of order these past few months I really need the physical aspects of my home to 'get in line' shall we say!

I must admit that the above photo is of the most difficult place I have cleaned thus far in my attempt to put together a new life. This was Mark's wound drawer. He lived with open wounds on his legs so we were constantly changing dressings and caring for them. I made it through but I am aware there are still many places I just can't go yet.

Here is what my office looks like now that I have spent the past two days de~cluttering and cleaning:

My desk area! Yep, this is where I spend most of my free time.

The closet

These are the cabinet/shelves on either side of my desk completely cleaned out and organized!

I love this little bench. I found it a couple years ago at an antique store for just $17.00 - Love It!!!

My craft dresser and finally my cleaned off craft table.

I can finally work on and hopefully finish the project on it which I started about 2 years ago.

I'll let you know when it's complete.

Maybe it will be a Weekend Warrior project in the near future:)

Considering A Clean Office With Great Joy,



  1. It looks great! Good for you. It has to literally feel like a weight lifted. That's how I always feel when I declutter and clean up areas around my home too.

  2. Great job! Your room looks so inviting and I love the little bench too!

    Love ya, Connie


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