Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Blessed October

I have, in the midst of great loss and pain,
Enjoyed my October Birthday Month

It started as I took small steps to
Decorate my home for Fall

I was blessed to win a blog contest
And these awesome books
And gift card to Starbucks
From my friend Leah's Blog
You must read
I began receiving gift cards
And coupons from some of my favorite shops
I ordered my first
Project Life Kit
Can't wait to get started
I won another blog contest
From my friend and writer
She and her husband donated/received kidneys
This past summer, Awesome story
My dear friend Susan
Sent me flowers a few days before my birthday
What a blessing, how beautiful they were
My family came over on the weekend
For an impromptu' Birthday party
Yummy Cake and Ice Cream
(my fav)
My employer blessed me greatly
This year with flowers, gift card and such
The office also had a very nice
Potluck lunch and flowers for me at work
I received the below flowers from
A new friend who recently lost her husband
What a wonderful blessing
I rescued this little treasure from the shelter
 My friend, Gretchen brought me a very sweet gift
And loves my puppy
Guess I'll keep her, anyone who loves my puppy
Will always be my friend:)
 A few of the 'BIG' boys
Went out a treatin'
 And of course the little ones
Went out as well
And who could forget the best news
Our little Cain is starting to grow (show)
So GOD blessed October for me
Kept me busy and didn't leave my side

Now my friends
There are less than two months until
The 1 year anniversary of my hubby's passing
Some days it feels like forever
And some days I can't belive it's almost been a year

Thanksgiving will be tough but it is also
Son #1 birthday on the 24th
So I will determine to focus on Thankfulness
And Giving

December, well friends, I will need your help to get through
If you feel so led, I pray you will help in what ever
Way God speaks to your heart
Because, quite frankly
It. Will. Be. Ugly!!!!

Consdering October With Joy,


  1. What a blessed birthday you had with all the gifts!

    I can imagine the holidays will be difficult for you so I will definitely be remembering you in my thoughts and especially my prayers.

    Hugs to you!

  2. Oh Cindy! What a beautiful way to say thank you and share your month! I love your puppy; he's so cute! I will continue to think about you and pray for you! The holidays will be difficult here, too.

  3. Love this post. You are Living Thankful! That is what is going on over at my site this month. Would love for you to join us and link up.

  4. Such beautiful gifts of love to a very special woman! My eyes landed on those Christmas Amish books. Christmas and all things "Amish" are my favorites. Let me know if they're worthy reads.

    I'll be thinking of you as this anniversary approaches. My prayers are with you. If there is anything more I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask.


  5. Hi Cindy, I'm not really new on your blog. About a year ago at the the time of your husband's homegoing, I left a comment or two after reading your entries.

    I've been back a few times as well... and here I am again.

    What a heartwarming post this is. I too love giving thanks as each month comes to an end.

    A belated birthday to you. I know what it's like to grieve after losing a loved one. There are no easy answers. But God's strength and comfort have been real.

    Blessings from the other side of your world...


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy