Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's Taking Courage

It's taking a heap of courage today
As I begin to pack away all of the cards
And notes I received after Mark's passing
 I would prefer never to put these treasured items away
Yet, it has been nearly a year
And honestly, there will never be a good time
 So today I gathered things up
Put ribbons around the cards
And began placing them in this memory box
I had made a couple of months ago
 I will keep this box close by
Every precious momento will be close at hand
When those days arise
That I just need to feel loved
But it's taken a Heap of Courage
To pack it all away today

1 comment:

  1. So glad you made a memory box. I'm sure it's been very hard but you can always look at the wonderful years you had together on this earth. And then look forward to the time you will have in heaven.

    Blessings and love,


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