Monday, December 24, 2012

Yet, We have a Blessed HOPE

Two years ago today, Christmas Eve 2010, I awoke to find my Mark had left his earthly body to spend eternity with his Creator. I cannot express the devastation that lingered in the days, weeks and months which followed, but I can express the Joy that fills my heart when I remember the Blessed Hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Nothing in life can truly prepare us for the loss of our best friend, husband, child, parent or other loved one, but knowing the HOPE of eternity with Jesus can and does offer us comfort and even joy.

Tonight, as I reflect on the past two years as well as the celebration of the birth of Christ, I am met with peace! Things will never feel, look, smell or be the same as they were before heaven gained Mark's spirit, but each day is filled with new beginnings, new choices, and new opportunities to reflect the love of Christ and be Jesus with skin on to someone who needs to know He's real.

On this Christmas Eve, though my heart beats with a tinge of sadness for my loss, it also beats with great expectation for all that God desires to accomplish in my life as long as He gives me breath. I'm grateful for this Christmas, not for gifts, decorations and festivities, although those are great, I'm grateful for Jesus, for his birth oh so many years ago, for his life and for his death.  But mostly I am grateful for HOPE, because there is an empty tomb, because He Lives, because we have a promise of eternity with HIM.

As you walk through Christmas, take time to reflect on who you are in Christ, who He is in you, and if you have the Blessed Hope of Eternity with HIM!

I'm praying for you!!!

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Have a VERY Merry Christmas! I know you miss Mark terribly . . . just imagine the Christmas He is having!


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