When I was a young teenager
(some 40 years ago)
There was one thing about myself that I struggled with
It wasn't my weight or height
It wasn't my list of chores or parental controls
It was that I Hated my Teeth
In my family, it just wasn't necessary or a priority for
the girls to get braces
Oh how I wanted them though
As I became an adult and started earning my own income,
I never seemed to have enough cash to pay for braces
Once I met and married my hubby
Children arrived and other things took priority over our finances
It was always a desire to get braces but was also
A higher priority for my children to have straight teeth
And not feel self conscience about their smiles
So, As the boys grew
They had years of braces, both have beautiful smiles to prove it
Then when I felt money was less of an issue
Hubby became ill, his teeth began falling out
And dentures overruled braces
I would not have had it any other way
It was not something to complain about
Just the choices we made while raising a family
However, after my hubby passed away on Christmas Eve 2010
I had to make some tough choices about finances
We did not have life insurance
But God blessed those days and with good counsel
I made several decisions that eased a bit of the financial
Seven months after hubby met Jesus face to face
I did this:

I finally got braces
That was July 18, 2011
The above was July 2013
And THIS is September 26, 2013
They may not be Perfect
But I will Never Regret one moment of 'torture'
I went through or one financial sacrifice I made to have
my teeth straightened
Some may think this is selfish and vain
But for me
It has boosted my confidence and brought some sense of
Joy to my life
I DO Consider This JOY
What about you?
Have you done something that you always wished you could?
I'd love for you to share!!
God Bless!