Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nana's Nuggets {Reading}

Oh, How I Love to read to my granddaughters
They Love to be read to
They Love books

I start with books that are tactile

Raised pictures, fuzzy, rough, smooth, gritty
Anything on a board book
That you can use to talk about while reading

I graduate to short stories
And also poems, rhymes and riddles

By 7 my K-Bug was reading Nancy Drew
And long chapter books

A favorite place to purchase books
'Garage Sales'
I picked up these 2 for $1 the other day

10 Reasons to Read to your Children/Grandchildren

1. It helps to build a stronger relationship with them

2. Academic Excellence, one primary benefit is a higher aptitude for learning in general

3. It develops basic speech, language and enunciation skills

4. Children learn the basics of reading a book, left to right, separation of words, etc

5. It initiates communication skill, talking about the story and its characters helps a child learn to communicate with you and others

6. Mastery of Language, reading to toddlers has been linked to a better grasp of the fundamentals of language as they approach school age

7. It helps develop logical and abstract thinking skills

8. Reading and telling stories can help a child acclimate to new experiences

9. Reading to children helps enhance concentration and discipline before school 

10. And finally, Reading is just plain FUN!!!  
Help them learn to Enjoy reading and it will a Gift for Life!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to instill that love of books and reading early on. I even read to my kiddos when they were young preteens -- Tom Sawyer and Anne Frank are the ones I especially remember.


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