Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I have a few questions about photo editing...

Hi Friends

It's been a long day at the Surgy Center with mom
So I'm a bit tired 
I just have a couple of questions
I'm hoping you can give me some ideas about

What photo editing program do you use?

I have Photoshop Elements 6
I purchased a new computer last summer
And have not added any software to it at all

It was never a great relationship 
Between Elements 6 and myself
So I haven't added it to my new computer
I realize it is WAY out of date now

So what do you use?
How  do you like it?
What would be your dream program if you purchased something new?

I have a Canon EOS T2i

I only have 2 lenses:
28/75 mm Tamron
50 mm Canon

What would you purchase next?
I don't have a remote button
Would you buy one?

What are your thoughts about light boxes?
 Home made or purchased new?

Would definitely Love to hear your feedback...

I've been blogging for 6 years but only recently
I have decided to change the focus on my blog
Photo editing and photography will be
A more important part of my blog posts

Thus...The Questions


  1. Oh, Sweet Lady- You are WAY ahead of me on the photo end of things. I have a little point and shoot and use Picmonkey. LOL. I'll come back and take some lessons from you when you get it all figured out! Have a wonderful night- xo Diana

  2. First, I hope everything is going well with your Mom.

    I also have PSE, but find it has a huge learning curve and takes a long time to get my photos edited the way I want. I've been using Picasa, which is FREE and offers lots of options that are easy to use. You can create albums for certain photos -- I use this a lot and find it very handy for the photos I want to share in a blog post. You can also just leave photos in folders by the date you download them. Another great feature is Creating Collages. The photo editing aspect is simple but very adequate. I also use Picmonkey, but only for creating my blog headers.

    I have a Nikon D3100 with one extra lens. I would love to someday add a telephoto lens, but that expensive little gem won't be hopping in my shopping cart any time soon.....lol! My Nikon has a built-in timer and we have a tripod, but have never used the timer feature. I don't think I would use a remote button. I've also never felt the need for a light box.

    Hope this helps!

  3. Hi Cindy,
    When I read about the equipment, lenses, tripods, etc. that a lot of bloggers use, I realize I'm not going to win a prize for best photos. :-))
    I downloaded a free photo editing program that serves my purposes just fine at this point.
    Mary Alice

  4. I have an Canon SX50 and love it.

    I use iPhoto for my editing and then I make my collages in Picmonkey and I pay the premium rate to have all the options.

    I have used Photo Shop and like that program also.


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy