Today was not a day I was looking forward to
I've had a migraine for two days AND
The entire pool cleaning system
Needed to be Cleaned
Internal parts, filters, baskets, and salt cell
All needed to be removed from their homes
And receive a heavy-duty cleaning
Each part removed
All eight (8) filters ready for their showers
This used to be a job I rather enjoyed
Spending a couple of hours
Hanging out with my husband
Talking, laughing and enjoying each others company
Now, It's just another chore
One that takes several hours and lots of physical labor
Yet, it is also a quiet time for my heart
To listen and hear the Lord
And that is what happened today
The past month has been tough for me
My son was in the hospital with a severe injury
Two days later we left on a Much Needed and Very Over due vacation
That was fun but over 2000 miles of driving
The following week we had company arrive from California
My heart felt heavy and rushed to accomplish things
From my 'To Do" List
But today the Lord reminded me
That, just as the internal parts of the pool cleaning system need to be cleaned
So do my internal parts, especially my heart
The internal parts are what make the pool inviting
Pleasing to swim in, look at and relax by
Therefore they need to be in excellent working order
The same is true for our hearts
When our insides (hearts, spirit, soul) are in good working order
We are pleasing to others
When our hearts are weary, frustrated, and overwhelmed
We put off an unpleasant aura
When I came in from working on cleaning the pool system
I opened my Bible to this verse.
"A Heart at Peace Gives Life to the Body"
Proverbs 14:30
Oh how I needed this reminder today
The pool system has been cleaned and
All parts have been returned to their homes
But more importantly
My heart has been reminded of it's own need for cleaning
Through God's Word and spending time with Him
I have a Heart At Peace
I pray you do too!!!