Monday, February 9, 2015

My Valentine Day Challenge for All of Us

Some people call 
Valentine's Day
"Single awareness day"
That it is a holiday for Couples and Kids

In some respects
Media and Marketers 
Have created that image

Many people become 
Sad or depressed when facing this holiday
And I think that is a shame

But I'm here to say that
Valentine's Day
Is For Everybody

I understand that it's hard to not have that special someone
In your life to share Valentine Day with
I 'get it'

But whether you are
In a Relationship

You can made this Valentine Day
Very Special
And I challenge you to do so

This week I have purposefully planned
Many things to help me be a blessing to others
On Valentine Day

I can't share all that I will be doing
Because I don't want to give away any secrets
But here is a list of things that you can do
To be a blessing to someone on this Valentine Day

Don't sit at home and feel sorry for yourself 
Because you don't have that someone special

Go out and make someones day special

  • Mail a card to someone you have not communicated with for awhile - you may not realize how exciting it is to receive a personal card in the mail, not email, but real mail
  • If you have close co-workers, take in a small bag of goodies to share or get everybody a 'kids' valentine card. How fun to share cards like we did when we were kids
  • Do you know a widow/widower, invite them to lunch or coffee, it may be just the thing that person needs to lift their spirit this valentine day
  • Do you have school aged kids or grands, go to their school and have lunch with them this week. What a sweet surprise that would be
  • Go to a local senior center or nursing care facility, call ahead of time to make sure it's okay, offer to visit with elderly patients who don't get visitors, or read to a group or even play a game with some
  • Take flowers or a card to a hospital and ask someone to give them to a patient who hasn't had visitors or hasn't received flowers. You probably won't be able to just walk into a room but the staff should be very accommodating to your generosity
  • Pay it Forward at the drive thru, that has never happened to me, but I have certainly paid for others behind me and it feels so good
  • Do you live in a warmer climate where there are homeless on the corners asking for money when you drive by, carry some extra bottles of water with you, tape a few dollars to them and give them out if you happen to drive by someone in need / Use caution, stay safe, don't be foolish
  • What about the cold climate areas, do you have extra blankets/throws around your house, I know I do, keep a couple in your car, give one away if you run into (not literally) someone who could use one / Use caution, stay safe, don't be foolish
  • Offer compliments to people you pass, at the bank, store, gas station, etc 
  • These are just a few ideas of ways you can bless somebody's life this week
  • It doesn't have to cost lots of money, just something simple and inexpensive or Free to bless someone

If you have other ideas
Please share in the comments

Let's go out
Make someone's day

Please don't sit home and be sad
You will never know how Blessed you will feel
Until you Bless someone Else

Can't wait to hear your stories


  1. Thank you. I was feeling a bit down because I miss my husband who died a couple years ago. He always brought me flowers, candy, a card, and did something special for me. I miss his thoughtfulness. But you made me step beyond that and think of others. Thank you.

  2. Such great ideas! This is a great way to spread a little love. I love the idea of eating with your kids.

  3. This is such a wonderful post, Cindy. I remember when I was young and also when my children were little, Valentine's Day was so simple & sweet.....a shoe box, decorated with colored paper, crepe paper flowers, and your name. I loved taking my children to the store to buy those cute and very inexpensive packages of Valentines. Now, it is all about commercialization and making the day almost another Christmas. You really do have to dig deep for that time-capsule of simplicity, but it's worth the dig! I think your suggestions of "giving" are so beautiful and thoughtful. We don't seem to have very many street people around here, but we always give them a few bucks when we do see one on the medium of some busy street. Rick's comment is always, "There, but by the grace of God, go I." One misstep and anyone of us could be in a similar situation.

    One thing I want to do is to take the hotel soaps & shampoos that I have amassed, and bag them up with a few other things to take to a shelter or simply keep a few in the car to pass out as needed. In Yuma, where I use to live, several of us would put together shoe boxes filled with coloring books, crayons, small toys, etc. and take them to the Women's Shelter -- it was always filled with women who managed to escape with their children from an abusive situation. There really are so many little things you can do that will make big impacts on others. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Cindy; you are always so thoughtful. Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  4. Thanks for all of the inspiration. This will be my first Valentines without John but I am so blessed in that I have so much to be thankful for and so many great memories. But, I definitely will be doing something for others on this special day.

    Thanks again for reminding us of remembering others and not dwelling on ourselves.


  5. Hi Dear Cindy,
    Oh these ideas are all so wonderful and filled with heartfelt meaning that would brighten anyone's day.
    By putting others first we actually receive the bigger blessing.
    Thank you for sharing and wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day.
    Heart to Heart, CM

  6. Joy, such wise words! For the past few years I have given myself a love challenge every day beginning the first of Feb. and continuing on until after Valentines. Not that it totally stops there, but I really try hard for those two weeks. I give strangers compliments. Visit friends and older women that I haven't seen for a while, send out texts and mail cards letting family know how much I love them. This is the first year that I haven't blogged about it. Thought maybe it was getting too repetitive. By bringing things like this to my attention I find that I am doing it more often all the time. I use to think compliments in my mind when I saw someone that I like their top or their hair style. Now instead of just thinking it I tell them. Amazing how their faces light up. You had some really great suggestions!

  7. Wonderful ideas. Valentine's Day can be difficult for so many.


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy