Sunday, November 20, 2016

Staying Positive!

Good Sunday Evening
Sweet Friends

I cannot believe it has been 2 weeks since I last posted
I guess that is what having a tiny space
At an antique/gift shop will do to you

It seems as though it's been longer than 2 weeks
I work on items every single day
And drive to the shop at least 3 times a week

I'm trying to Stay Positive
So far, only 1 item has sold
I have added lots of little things for Christmas

My prayer is that this venture will bring JOY
Into my life and not disappointment
I've struggled with tears the last few days

But I'm putting positive thoughts in my head
And holding on to them

The time between my birthday and Christmas
When Mark passed, are tough ones for me
Working HARD at focusing on HIM
The JOY of this season that is now upon us

I do hope to share, in the days ahead
A few Really Great Finds
And hopefully some other good news

Many Blessings to you All


  1. All the "little" things for Christmas are so adorable.
    I also opened an Etsy shop

    Please visit:

  2. Love all of these things! You bring me JOY dear sister!

  3. Cindy, hang in there! I'm proud of you for going for it.

  4. Aww Cindy, bless your sweet heart. Sounds like you are doing great things for yourself so as to get through some tough times.
    "Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus" think on those things that will encourage you. God is with you.
    Your little Shoppe is darling. :-)

    Have a beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving filled with much love joy and praise~~

  5. Sweet friend, your items are just lovely! How I wish I lived nearby for I would buy many of these sweet delight. Have you thought about opening an Etsy shop?

    Thinking of you, precious friend. May you be encouraged through our dear Lord. Sending lots of love your way! {{{hugs}}}

  6. Cindy, I've seen a few things you made and shared on IG. I thought they were darling! I will think positive thoughts along with you and hopefully things will pick up. Try not to get down on yourself! You should talk to Dolly at Cutie Pie Cottage. I think sales were slow at her booth at first, but she does well now. I know that this is a difficult time for you. I will keep you in my prayers sweet friend!

  7. Staying positive and moving forward is good. I know as the holiday season gets into full gear this week you will sell many of your treasures. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. Hi Cindy, you have such a great attitude and staying positive is very important. Your shop and goodies look wonderful. I sure wish I was there to visit and shop. I can tell you from having had mall shops for many years, staying positive is the way to go. It does take time to find your audience in the mall and sometime if feels like slow going, but once you're found, the big BUSY will begin and I tell ya, it will be amazing. Once the busy shopping season begins for Christmas your treasures will soar out the door!! Prayers for you and Happy Sales are coming my friend!! Happy Thanksgiving!! xoxo

  9. So many cute things for Christmas. Praying that things will start selling. I think the election this year has changed the time table of celebrating some but everyone should get in the holiday mood soon. Big Hugs!

  10. You shop looks lovely, Cindy. From experience, I know it is so easy to get discouraged, but hang in there, closer to Christmas and it will pick up as it looks like you have some really neat things..xxoJudy

  11. Keep your chin up, Buttercup!! :) Remember to have old stuff and guy stuff...a variety is important and it does take awhile to get established!
    I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving!

  12. Staying positive is so important. I found at my shop I sold very little in "seasonal" items but hope yours do. This is a difficult time for me to since my deceased daughter birthday was in December. I struggle also during these times and hope your positive attitude helps you get through them.

  13. My friend who has a small booth says its very slow at times.
    I think an online etsy shop would be great for you.
    I opened oneafter reading the instruction book 30 times haha

  14. I'm trying to catch up with all my blog friends, Cindy. I'm so glad you took the first step to realizing your dream. Don't give up. You're a smart and capable woman with good taste. And God is on your side. You will make it! Hugs, Nancy


Hi Friend, I read and cherish every single comment you leave! You bring Joy to my heart! Blessings, Cindy